The growth of plants is impossible without sunlight and water. So, in order for plants to have adequate supply of water for growth, irrigation methods are adopted. Some of these irrigation processes are effective, while others are not. drip irrigation systems

Drip irrigation is an irrigation process in which small holes are made in pipes/tubes at unique points to allow water to drip into the soil directly at the roots of the plant. This form of irrigation is very beneficial in various ways. These include:

•It fosters better plant health

Because the water is supplied directly into the soil at the root of the plant in a slow and deep manner, the plant experiences uniform growth because it does not undergo any stress related to lack of water. This eventually leads to maximum yield of crops. drip irrigation system design

•There is less wastage of water

With drip irrigation, the water is supplied exactly where it is needed, in constant small quantities, there is little or no loss of water due to evaporation. Besides, the loss of water by wind associated with sprinklers is avoided.

•It helps saves money

The drip irrigation method is both efficient and effective in the sense that only the required quantity of water is supplied to the plant. Hence, it reduces the regular cost of spending on water bills.

•It saves time

When using drip irrigation for plants, it is not necessary to continue to drag sprinklers and hoses from place to place. As a result, time is saved when irrigating the plants.

•It reduces the incidence of diseases

There are certain plant diseases that are associated with damp or moist conditions. The risk of these diseases, particularly fungal diseases, is reduced with drip irrigation. In addition, the foliage will remain dry, thereby preventing the diseases associated with wet foliage. drip irrigation system installation

•It helps control weeds

The weeds that would have survived due to plenty water would not survive under the drip irrigation system because they would be starved of water. Weed germination will therefore be limited.